| 1. | Read - only and static cursors are never updatable 只读游标和静态游标永远无法更新。 |
| 2. | Keyset - driven and static cursors use work tables that are built in 键集驱动游标和静态游标使用在 |
| 3. | Static cursors retrieve the entire result set at the time the cursor is opened 静态游标在打开游标时检索整个结果集。 |
| 4. | Static cursors use a work table to store the complete result set of the cursor 静态游标使用工作表来存储游标的完整结果集。 |
| 5. | The static cursor is either synchronous or a fully populated asynchronous cursor 静态游标是同步游标或者完全填充的异步游标。 |
| 6. | If the query references at least one table without a unique index , the keyset cursor is converted to a static cursor 如果查询引用了至少一个无唯一索引的表,则键集游标将转换为静态游标。 |
| 7. | Static cursors do not reflect updates , deletes , or inserts that are made to underlying data while the cursor is open 为空性( nullability )列、参数或变量的属性,指定其是否允许空数据值。 |
| 8. | Fast forward - only and static cursors are fully supported in the result set when they are used with an except or intersect operation 快速只进游标和静态游标与except或intersect运算一起使用时,在结果集中完全受支持。 |
| 9. | If a keyset - driven or dynamic cursor is used together with an except or intersect operation , the cursor of the result set of the operation is converted to a static cursor 如果由键集驱动的游标或动态游标与except或intersect运算一起使用,则运算的结果集的游标转换为静态游标。 |